In Ayurveda there is detailed description of rheumatoid arthritis as an AMA VATTA.
Rheumatoid is a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder that may affect any tissues and organs of body. It can also produce diffuse inflammation in lungs, pericardium, pleura etc.

[ Other organds commonly involved in rheumatoid diseases ]

The term rheumatoid arthritis is most commonly used when synovial joints are affected by inflammatory reaction. In this disorder there are three stages.

  • First stage is inflammatory response of synovium – synovitis.
  • Second stage is hyperplasia of synovial cells and excess synovial fluid.
  • Third stage is destruction of articular cartilage and ankylosis this leads to deformities in body.

[ first stage of rheumatoid arthritis ]

[Second stage of rheumatoid arthritis ]

[Third stage of rheumatoid arthritis ]


[ First stage of rheumatoid arthritis of hand ]

[ Second stage of rheumatoid arthritis of hand ]

[Third stage of rheumatoid arthritis of hand ]


[First stage of rheumatoid arthritis of feet]

[Second stage of rheumatoid arthritis of feet]

[Third stage of rheumatoid arthritis of feet]



The cause of rheumatoid arthritis is very well explained in Ayurveda. It is caused by formation of Ama in the body.
Opposite foods, opposite lifestyle leads lowered body fire – it leads indigestion – it leads imbalance of doshas and formation of Ama.
The Toxin (Ama) is carried by Vatta and reaches places like joints, lungs heart, brain etc. it causes inflammation there it leads to AMA VATTA (RHEUMATOI ARTHRITIS)

While in modern science cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, autoimmunity plays a pivotal role in both its chronicity and progress and rheumatoid arthritis is considered a systemic autoimmune disease.



1. Swelling – inflammation of joints.
2. Pains –

  1. In first stage the pain increases in morning when patient gets up than it reduces slowly.
  2. In second stage the pain remains continuously.
  3. In third stage severe continuous pain with affected joint’s deformities

3. Morning stiffness
4. Difficulties in movements
5. In some cases presence of rheumatoid nodules

[ rheumatoid nodules ]

6  In some cases presence of nail edge infarct


[Digital infarct]

[ Nail before treatment ]

[ Nail after one months treatment ]


  • Fatigue, loss of energy, weakness.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Low grade fever


The first stage and second stage of rheumatoid arthritis is absolutely curable if our medicines consumed regularly. In the third stage of rheumatoid arthritis our medicine definitely work however the deformities will remain as it is.

Treatment is available at Dr. Amina’s royal ayurveda… Go to: Testimonial – Consulting